ThetaHealing Practitioner Trainings are listed below.
They are currently held In-Person at Mawson Lakes, SA.

Sat 22nd- Mon 24th March
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
Practitioner Training and Certification
The ThetaHealing® technique is a powerful technique used to bring about greater health and harmony in your life. Learn how to release limiting beliefs and utilise healing techniques that can benefit yourself and others.
During this course you will discover the science behind ThetaHealing as well as learning how to:
Easily access the Theta state and connect with the Creator/Universe
Clear negative beliefs on a core, genetic, historic and soul level
- Intuitively see and speak with your Guides and Guardian Angels
- Participate in powerful healings
- Perform Future Readings with ease
- Intuitively scan the body to identify energetic blocks
- Release psychic attacks, curses and soul fragments
- Use a manifesting technique to create anything from improving finances, meeting your soul mate, achieving greater health, wellbeing and success & more
You will also receive the ThetaHealing Basic book by Vianna Stibal, a Practitioner manual and Certificate.
Use the Book Now button to register. Keryn will then contact you with class details. $100 deposit will be required, full payment made one week prior to class.

25th - 27th April
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
ThetaHealing (Advanced DNA)
Practitioner Training and Certification
Take your skills to the next level as you enhance your psychic, intuitive and healing abilities, clear blocks and build your knowledge of this powerful technique.
During this course you will accelerate your intuitive skills and learn to enhance your life spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. You will also learn how to:
Access the 7 planes of existence for healing and manifestation
Change negative emotions into feelings that bring joy and harmony to your life
Experience powerful healing techniques (mending a broken soul and sending love to the baby in the womb)
Connect with your Higher Self, Ancestors and Ascendant Masters
Manipulate time and space
Release free-floating memories related to surgery, abuse and trauma
How to scan, clear and program crystals
Healing for animals
How to use Theta Healing on your business, investments and houses and other non-organic matter
You will also receive the Advanced ThetaHealing book by Vianna Stibal, a Practitioner manual and Certificate.
***ThetaHealing Basic DNA class is a prerequisite.
Registration will be
available soon

Dates TBA
9.30 - 4.30 pm
ThetaHealing - Dig Deeper
Practitioner Training and Certification
This powerful 2-day workshop will help you master the "digging" technique that is a unique part of ThetaHealing and helps to get to the origin of a person's issues.
This simple technique helps to identify deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us and then uses unconditional love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.
Learn the 8 main areas of digging and how to work with fear, resentment, anger, illness, genetics, past lives, manifesting and the impossible.
- Learn to identify the subconscious beliefs holding any issues in place
- Uncover blocks to receiving healing
- Learn tips and tricks for effective muscle testing
- Learn how to ask the best questions to get to the deeper emotional causes
- Enhance your intuition and your abilities through the digging process.
A vital part of a ThetaHealing session is the digging process and this workshop will give you the support and guidance needed to take your skills to the next level so you can uncover core beliefs and change deep-seated patterns for your clients and yourself.
This is a transformational workshop where you will have plenty of chances to work on others to improve your skills as well as receiving healing for yourself.
***ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA classes are prerequisites.

Dates TBA 2025
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
ThetaHealing - You & The Creator
Practitioner Training & Certification
Learn how to understand the undercurrent of your subconscious mind, how your body works to solve problems and how to know the difference between communicating with the Creator and your ego, guides or higher self.
The experience of connecting with the energy of the Creator - which is pure love - is life-changing.
- get clear about where your intuitive messages come from
- develop a deeper connection with the Creator to
- develop discernment as a healer and learn how to guide your subconscious to work with you not against you
- learn the four different aspects of self and how they influence your intuition
- clear blocks to connecting and communicating with the Creator
- clear blocks that limit your intuitive abilities
***ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper classes are prerequisites.

9.30 am - 4.30 pm
ThetaHealing - Manifesting & Abundance
Practitioner Training & Certification
In ThetaHealing, the concept of manifesting is the belief that it is possible to create something into the physical using the connection to the Creator of All That Is.
In this class you will be assisted to find the deep subconscious beliefs and hidden blocks that hold you back from achieving your dreams and goals.
- learn how to clear blocks and beliefs that hinder your creating and manifesting
- how to manifest in a Theta state
- learn about intention and Divine Timing
- learn these universal tools to exponentialize your potential to become wealthy in all areas of your life.
Class includes Practitioner Manual and Certification
***ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper classes are prerequisites.

Dates TBA
(weekdays only)
9.30 am - 4.00 pm
ThetaHealing - Intuitive Anatomy
The most comprehensive ThetaHealing course!
Join me for this transformation 3-week journey where you will learn to intuitively see inside the body and discover emotions, belief systems and programs that cause disease and disorder.
You will improve your skills as a healer and embark on a deeply personal dive into yourself to transform blocks and evolve as a spiritual being.
The clearer you are as a healer the easier it is to work with your clients and on yourself.
This class is held over three weeks (15 days total) and will help to accelerate quantum healing within every system and organ on the body.
This workshop will include:
Resolve deep emotional issues
Develop your healing abilities exponentially
Increase psychic and intuitive abilities
Identify and clear limiting beliefs
Perform body scans quickly and accurately
Release trauma and blocked emotions
Develop a deep connection to the Divine
Gain a wealth of knowledge and understanding if the anatomy and how disease is created.
Class includes Practitioner Manual, Anatomical Chart Book and Certification.
***This class will be held at Greenwith, South Australia.
***ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator classes are prerequisites.

9.30 am - 4.30 pm
ThetaHealing - Disease & Disorders
Practitioner Training & Certification
An amazing two week class where you will work with clearing blocks to specific diseases, release fears of working with these diseases and accelerate your healing abilities.
We look at the physical, mental and emotional aspects of diseases, explanations of the body systems relating to over 100 diseases, and understanding disease from an intuitive perspective.
Learn the beliefs, programs, remedies, supplements and intuitive insights Vianna has found to be of value as they pertain to certain diseases and disorders.
Class includes D&D Book, Practitioner Manual and Certification
***ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You & the Creator and Intuitive Anatomy classes are prerequisites.

28th Oct - 1st Nov 2024
9.30 am - 4.00 pm
ThetaHealing - DNA3
Discover your innate ability and potential to work with quantum physics and play with the molecules and atoms around you. From telekinesis to bi-location and changing the molecules of water to instant healings much more!
This class is so much fun but it also trains your mind to accept instant healings and master energy work at a very deep level.
This workshop will include:
Spiritual bi-location
Line up your Eternal Molecules (and go beyond duality)
Identify and work with your Divine Timing
Discover your oneness with all things as you change the Molecular Structure of Water
Discover your Earth, Fire, Air or Water element and how to change the weather
How to Move Objects with the power of your mind
Belief work to clear resentments and fears
Learn and advanced form of manifesting.
Class includes Practitioner Manual and Certification.
***This class will be held at Greenwith, South Australia.
***ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator and Intuitive Anatomy classes are prerequisites.

More Classes
For Other Classes go HERE.
Discover your Divine Gifts with ThetaHealing - 4th Dec 2024
An introduction to ThetaHealing, building your intuitive and psychic abilities includes an activating your Divine Gifts meditation.
Registration opens in Nov.
These are available in the SHOP.
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Free classes and videos available for viewing on YouTube