
Secret Healer's Business

How to Develop Your Skills, Work with Clients and Build a Successful Healing Business

This book is a deep dive into the world of professional healing for those wishing to be healers and spiritual entrepreneurs. A decade of working at psychic expos as a tarot reader and energy healer, and later opening her own studio, have given Keryn insights into the inner workings of this industry and her fresh, unique perspective will inspire you to go beyond the old paradigms so that you can do the work you love and enjoy an abundant and fulfilling life.

Discover Keryn's Advanced Healer Secrets, how to develop your intuitive abilities and overcoming "healer poverty consciousness" and much more.

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Intuition Accelerator

Intuition Accelerator

Join Keryn for a deep dive into developing your intuitive and psychic abilities. Clear deep blocks using specific clearing processes, theta downloads and intuitive healing, change limiting subconscious beliefs that limit your abilities and participate in some fun exercises to enhance your abilities. Includes downloadable workbook and clearing of the "Atlantean Headband" that limits psychic abilities. (This class is pre-recorded.)

The Secret Language of MONEY

Uncover deep blocks related to money, wealth, abundance and prosperity. Clear lifetimes worth of blocks, release vows of poverty, uncover and clear core, genetic, history and soul level subconscious beliefs. Participate in the Financial Blueprint exercise, discover the 7 money dis-eases and what they're telling you and much more. (This class is pre-recorded.)

The REAL Reasons you Take on Other People's Energy 

Did you know that taking on energy from others is NOT about being too sensitive! This is the SYMPTOM not the CAUSE. We’ve been taught that we’re oversensitive and we must use protection rituals and avoid busy environments, but these are not effective solutions and don't address the true cause. This class is a deep dive into clearing blocks and unresolved energies and learning how to overcome this common issue. (This class is pre-recorded.)

The Superconscious Recode Experience

The ultimate manifesting program! Goes beyond what you know about the law of attraction and immerses you into the STRUCTURE of creating so you understand why you don't always manifest what you want and how to change that. Includes 6 recorded sessions where you will dive deep into creating the live you love, discovering your true nature and purpose, creating health and vitality, and being the predominant creator in your life. Each class includes a powerful Superconscious Recode to release resistance to having your desired result. (This program is pre-recorded.)

Learn Intuitive Tarot Online

Learn to read Tarot cards intuitively with Keryn in this fun, comprehensive and informative online Tarot course. Learn in the comfort of your own home through written content, videos and audio. Watch videos of Keryn working with students and breaking down spreads including the complex Celtic Cross spread, which as you will see has many hidden layers. This course trains your mind to work like a professional reader. (This program is pre-recorded.)

Being A Healer Teleclass

Get the Insider Secrets! An introductory class for anyone who is a healer or would like to be. Keryn discusses working with clients, developing intuition and much more. Includes clearing blocks to being a healer as well as a Theta Meditation.  (This class is pre-recorded.)

Let's Do Business Different

Do you create your business from the space of "how can I get more clients?" or do you create from "what would be fun for me today?" Notice the difference in the energy of each question. The latter inspires greater expansion, empowerment and joy and is the perfect energy for growing your business. In this class you will learn tools and techniques for creating a fun, successful and rewarding business that aligns with your true nature and purpose. (This class is pre-recorded.)