
A range of Non-Practitioner Classes and Workshops are listed below.

See separate page for

ThetaHealing Practitioner Certification Training

Monthly Group - ONLINE

Next Class Wed May 15th

7.00 - 9.00 pm (ACST)

Ascension 2024

We are at an exciting point in humanity’s evolution and it’s vital now that we are prepared for the vast changes that will be happening over the next few years. 

Discover more about our Galactic History and the Ascension of Earth and Humanity, how AI and ETs fit into our future, the support and guidance we are receiving, as well as how to be a conscious participant in the earth changes that we are living right now.

Raise your vibration and align with the ascension of humanity and the planet as we ride the wave of 2024.

Includes a Monthly 2-hour Class, access to the Ascension 2024 Connection Group and BONUS Ascension Frequencies throughout the month - get the FULL DETAILS HERE.

Starts June 26th - ONLINE

Six Weekly Classes

7.00 - 9.00 pm (ACST)



Wed June 26th

Wed July 3rd

Wed July 10th

(No Class July 17th)

Wed July 24th

Wed July 31st

Wed August 7th

Awaken Your Inner PSYCHIC
(& Meet Your Star Family!)

Developing Intuitive and Psychic abilities goes hand in hand with the communication and energetics required for connecting with our Star Families.

This FUN, yet transformational class offers a unique perspective for those interested in stepping into their true innate abilities, as well as aligning with the energies required for extraterrestrial contact.

It's all about raising your vibration, releasing deep Collective Consciousness fears and activating the dormant parts of yourself, as well as fun exercises to train your mind to accept a new reality and enhance your abilities.

Humanity's ascension into 5D brings forth new potentials that will see us connecting with our Star Families and taking our place at the galactic table. According to many channelers open contact will occur around 2026.


This class is designed to help you prepare energetically, emotionally and psychically for this contact, because there are deep fears related to humanity's distant past that arise in relation to extraterrestrials that people are not consciously aware of. Plus, alterations to our DNA have limited us in many ways, and we can now go beyond this.

To create a harmonious, more advanced civilization we must align with our Divine Self and step into our true power as sovereign, multi-dimensional beings. 


  • Pineal Gland Activation to enhance your abilities
  • Bi-locating and 'Medical Intuitive' Body Scans
  • Superconscious Recodes to clear fear and blocks
  • Intuitive Symbolism and Interpretation 
  • Energy Codes to activate your innate abilities
  • Connect with your Superconscious Teacher for guidance
  • Develop Telepathy and Remote Viewing skills
  • Tarot Games that train your mind to think like a Psychic
  • Aura Reading and wisdom from your Guides
  • Perceiving different realities and ET energies
  • Connecting with your Star Family and more!

July 6th & 7th 2024


9.00 am - 4.00 pm (ACST)


Wealth Codes

Master your relationship with Money & Prosperity and Live the life you love.

Do you worry about money? Do you struggle to get enough clients? Do you hate getting bills? Do you seem to have a “set point” of how much you earn? Do you overspend, have trouble saving, never have enough?

This advanced 2-day ONLINE workshop will help you CLEAR deep-seated blocks around money and wealth and RECODE your path to greater prosperity.

Your ability to be wealthy is based on your current “WEALTH BLUEPRINT” that incorporates your childhood patterning, genetic predisposition, collective consciousness, and soul learnings – and it can all separate you from your natural state of abundance.

Receive the Codes and Activations to help you shift to a new paradigm of Wealth and Prosperity.

  • Activate your DNA with 8 Wealth Codes
  • Create a New Wealth Blueprint so you can level up your Finances
  • Powerful Recodes to clear resistance to having the prosperity you deserve
  • Repatterning for continued growth and expansion
  • Frequency Activations to reset your energy field to a vibration of Prosperity
  • Reset the Vibrational Frequency of your Bank Accounts
  • Create an Abundance Anchor so you stay in the energy of Prosperity long after the class and much more . . .

Let's create some magic together!

Please join waiting list to be notified when registration opens and the early bird specials.


Next Dates TBA

9.30 am - 4.00 pm


Secret Healer's Business

This TWO DAY WORKSHOP is not about a learning a specific modality but more about the many aspects of being a professional healer.

Workshop includes:

  • Developing your Intuitive & Psychic abilities
  • How to Work with Clients in a Non-Judgmental way
  • How to avoid taking on Other People's Energy
  • Different ways of Perceiving Energy
  • How to Set your Fees in a way that Honours You and your Client
  • How to Attract Clients in an Authentic way and much more

In this powerful workshop Keryn will take you through the various elements of being a Healer through her 40 years of interest in this field and 16 years professional experience.

Includes Theta "downloads" to Improve Psychic abilities and Energy Clearing to Release Blocks to being a Healer.

Please join waiting list to be notified when registration opens.

Not currently available as a LIVE class, however, the Recorded Program is available in the SHOP.

The Superconscious Recode Experience

6 Weekly Classes

Online via Zoom

Join this amazing opportunity to experience the Superconscious Recode process and how it can clear resistance to having what you desire in life, and literally magnetise you towards your dreams.

This is the ultimate manifesting program, because it goes beyond what most people currently know about the law of attraction, and takes us deep into the STRUCTURE of manifesting and why your current identity doesn't think it's safe to change, which is why you don't manifest much of what you ask for.

In this weekly program you will deep dive into creating the life you would truly love, discovering your true nature and purpose, creating health & vitality and how to be the predominant creator in your life.

Then we use the fast and efficient Superconscious Recodes to clear resistance between you and what you desire.

Please join waiting list to be notified when registration opens.

More Classes


Frequencies for Healing - Date TBA

Discover the world of healing with frequency. How can it help you heal and enhance your life?


These classes are available in the SHOP.


These classes are available HERE.


Join list to stay updated on all classes and workshops. (Not all are listed on the website as some fill up early.)

Free classes and videos available for viewing on YouTube.