Private sessions with Keryn offer dynamic healing and facilitation to help you get unstuck, transform and create change in any area of your life.
There's only one person that can truly change your life, and that's YOU.
However, sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees and a little support is required.
What contribution would a session be for you?

Keryn uses the tools of Access Consciousness to empower you to access your own awareness and deeper knowing. You will also be provided with simple tools to use in your daily life that can assist you to make the choices and changes you desire.
ThetaHealing sessions are also available. This powerful, fast and direct healing modality brings about a deep level of change. More information here.
Access Bars and Body Processes are very nurturing for the body and help the body to heal, destress, relax and gain greater ease and clarity. More information here as well as scientific research on this modality.
Private Session
1 hour
Dynamic facilitation using the tools of Access Consciousness whereby we follow the energy as to what is required.
Held online via Zoom
Private Session
30 mins
Dynamic facilitation using the tools of Access Consciousness whereby we follow the energy as to what is required.
Held online via Zoom
1 hour
Powerful sessions include intuitive body scan, deep energy clearing and release of blocks and limiting subconscious beliefs.
Held online via Zoom
Are you willing to receive?
Let's do this!
Access Bars
75 mins
Relax, destress, gain clarity and ease with this technique. Uses points on the head to release energies, thoughts, point of view etc that no longer serve you - like de-fragging your computer!
Access Body Process
75 mins
A very nurturing and powerful hands-on process that contributes to the body and being to help facilitate change using the body's innate wisdom.
Self Care Challenge
90 mins x 10 Sessions
Receive the MTVSS body process and Access Bars over 10 sessions for the ultimate in self nurturing and infinite possibilities for change. Watch the videos for more about this challenge.
Normally $2500 now only $2200
Access Bars and Body Processes are conducted IN PERSON only (Greenwith, South Australia).